- For the past month he has been improving on his numbers, letters and colors.
- He can count to ten on his own.
- He can count to tres in Spanish.
- He knows the order of the alphabet, though only pronounces a few letters. Mainly A, B, E, K, O, P, S,T.
- He can recognize and pronounce colors such as "lello", red, blue, "een" and my personal favorite- "puh'pal."
- He recognizes mommy's "Tat-too."
- When he wants to be picked up he says "up" and extends his arms.
- When he wants "down" he tells you, also.
- "Thank you" and "you're welcome" are a regular part of his vocabulary now.
- He knows who "Oski" is.
- He can tell you if something is "hot" or "cold."
- "Cat" and "puppy" are recognizable, too.
- Thanks to Diego, "yum, yum, yum, delicioso" is also a part of his vocabulary.
- "Eat" , "juice" , "more" and "all done" are heard at meal times.
- When you ask him how much Mommy loves him- he answers "mmmmmback" (to the moon and back )
- He knows the tune and hand motions to The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Row, Row Row Your Boat, Skimmamarinky Dinky Dink and even says "Iiiii you!" (I love you)
- His first song recognition was Old MacDonald and he would sing "EIEI-O."
After spending time rehashing the past and obsessing about the future, I realized that it makes much more sense to live in the now. This is my journey through life...in the present tense.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Because I Don't Want to Forget...
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