Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lifestyle Change.

I can't even BEGIN to count the numerous times I said I was starting a diet. "This is it.  This is the one.  No more waiting on tomorrow. TODAY."  I guess I'm even guilty of tricking myself into thinking that I was making a lifestyle change...

That is until recently.

I am now close to 8months post partum and I certainly do not have an excuse as to why the poundage is still on.  Sure, after the baby I instantly dropped close to 30 pounds, but I've still been way over my pre-pregnancy weight.
I'm not going to begin to list excuses, valid or not.
I'm not living in the woulda, coulda shoulda mode either.
Though denial is oftentimes soft and cushy, I have to trade it in  harsh reality.

So, that's just what I did.  A reality show, if you will.  You see, I watch The Biggest Loser.  I become so enthusiastic and inspired during that two hour span, and after the show, of course I reach for that pint of ice cream.  Defeated much?

If only I could go on the ranch and be whipped and prodded by Jill.  Or Bob.  I think I like Bob best. Anyway, SURELY I could do it that way.  You know, portion control and working out at the gym 6plus hours a day. DONE DEAL, man.

But, that's not going to happen.  So yeah, Ice cream here we go.

Well, that was the old me. The new me, well, re-invented me I should say is no longer that way.
I was beyond inspired by a contestant on the show, her name is  Abby .   After that horrible tragedy, I probably would have hid from the world forever, but she didnt. She continues on and most of the time you will find a beautiful smile on her face.  This really hit me.  Hard.

If she can do it, then by golly, so can I.
I have the reasons to right in front of me.  It's no longer ALL about looking good.  While that is a big part of it, it's a matter of feeling healthy and being around as long as I can for my husband and munchkindoodle. I am blessed to still have them in my life and a twinkie or double serving of pasta is not worth shaving years off my life.  Not just that, but I want to be an ACTIVE part of my son's life...not a huffing, puffing lump of lard.

So, I decided October 31st would be the first day of the BEST of my life.  I began a low carb meal plan, increased my water consumption and I walk with the munchkin a couple times a week.  I also will begin the couch to 5k plan next week.

So far I've seen water weight leave, but what I feel best about is that I am rarely hungry because of the intervals that I am eating at.  I haven't had heartburn since then and I've actually had an increase in energy.
I won't lie, I know I'll be eating sweets here and there and making some of the yummalicious Cuban food I adore, but I know my limits now.

I will nevermore hide in food.

I feel inspired.
I feel rejuvinated.
I feel good.

1 comment:

Claudya Martinez said...

I'm proud of you. You can do this.