Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back. Maybe, you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be."-Carrie Bradshaw

I let go and boy do I like where I'm going.  Remember that thing, you know-the thing where I said I was going to let go of negativity and become more positive?  Yeah, well, it's actually working.  Whowouldathunkit?! Let's be honest for a second.  I know I can't erase ALL of the negativity, but just changing my outlook has proven to be worthwhile.  Now if I could just get Raines to be more positive...yeah, I'll get back to you on that.

For the first time in a very, very long time I can actually say that I feel good.  I am now 2lbs shy of my pre-pregnancy weight, exercising pretty much every day, even if it's a 10min yoga video or  a little bit of strength training for my upper body-I'm doing it.  My allergies/sinus cold was crazy last week, so I didn't step foot in the gym, but I worked my booty at home and darn it, I am pretty proud of myself. I still have a long way to go, but the fact that I can now wear my pre-pregnancy clothes once again does amazing things for my confidence.

Work-wow, I love it.  I know, I know, it's crazy and super busy, but it really does help the time go by quickly.  I am 15minutes away from home WITH traffic and I feel so productive.  Not that staying at home with the munchkindoodle wasn't productive, but I just feel, I dunno, a sense of normalcy again?  I found my routine, it works and I'm happy.

More happy?  Ulysses took some UNASSISTED steps last night.  Granted, they were two, but he did it over and over again.  This makes me a happy momma.  I had become worried that he was falling behind.  Uly has always been pretty advanced and now that he is almost a year old and had not taken steps, well, it got to the worry wart of me.  But, I know he will do things when he is ready and I just have to be patient.

Patience?  I'm still working on that one.

I was this() close to getting acrylic nails this weekend.  I haven't had them for over a year, but I am so tired of my nails constantly chipping and my nail polish not lasting for more than 48hrs.  I decided against it (thank goodness) but if any of you have any tips on how to keep my nails looking fresh and chip free, well, I'm all ears.

I DID, however, do something that I thought I'd never do again.  I got bangs.  Straight across bangs.  I was looking for a change and something that was flattering to my face.  I was super nervous, but I am really happy with the outcome.  I  may even start a Divinyls type band.


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