Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 3: Something You Have to Forgive Yourself for.

Dear Me,

I love you, and while things haven't always been on the up, you always found a way there.  You are a good and kind person and I suppose that is why I can't understand why you are so hard on yourself.  Sometimes to the point of tears. You have to stop feeling guilty for choices you've made.  Sure, hindsight is always 20/20, but had you made different choices, would you still have the amazing life you have now?  Probably not.  
Why do you beat yourself up about your weight?  You are healthy, yes? So what if you give in and eat sweets or a slice or two of pizza? You want it-have it.  It's all about moderation.  You have GOT to stop enjoying something and then feeling like trash the minute it is over.  Life is short.  Enjoy every minute.
So, you didn't go to the gym every day this week.  You're still making an effort, it's really okay.
Stop questioning everything you do or don't.
I forgive you for scrutinizing yourself.
I forgive you for being ugly to yourself.
I forgive you for having unrealistic expectations.
Now, get out there and be HAPPY.

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